Company Formation

Post by 
Maggie Stancheva
November 1, 2023

The Lowdown on Starting Up: Company Formation in the UK

So, you've got a brilliant idea and you're ready to turn it into a proper business. Time to talk about the nitty-gritty of getting your company off the ground in the UK! Here's the lowdown on the basics of company formation.

Choose Your Business Structure

First things first, what's your game plan? Decide whether you want to go solo, team up with others, or maybe even go big and form a company. The most common structures are sole trader, partnership, or limited company.

Picking a Kickass Name

Your business needs a name that stands out. Make sure it's unique, not already taken, and doesn't step on anyone else's trademark toes. Companies House is where you check and register your name - easy peasy!

Get Your Registered Office Sorted

Your business needs a home on paper. This is where your official mail goes. It doesn't have to be where you brew your genius ideas; it just needs to be a real, physical address in the UK.

Directors and Shareholders

Directors are the big shots making the decisions, and shareholders are the folks with a slice of the pie. You need at least one director, and shareholders can be directors too. Decide who's steering the ship and who's enjoying the ride.

Nail Down the Paperwork

Brace yourself for paperwork, but it's not as bad as it sounds. You'll need some basic info like names and addresses of directors and shareholders, details of the company's shares, and what the company will be up to (hint: it's your business activities).

Ready, Set, Register

Companies House is where you officially register your baby. You can do it online, and it's not as complicated as it sounds. Pay the fee, submit your paperwork, and voila! Your company is officially a thing.

Bank on It

Time to open a business bank account. Keep your personal and business finances separate. It's not just good practice; it's a must for keeping your books in order.

Taxes and Stuff

Brace yourself for the tax talk. Register your business for taxes (VAT, Corporation Tax, etc.) depending on your turnover and structure. Staying on top of your tax game from the start will save you headaches down the road. Do yourself a favour and find a good advisor.

And there you have it – the whistle-stop tour of setting up shop in the UK. Don't be daunted; thousands do it every year. Just take it one step at a time, and before you know it, you'll be the proud owner of a fully-fledged business. Best of luck, you future business mogul, you!